Areas of Interest in the Classroom.

Block Area.

Using natural blocks and large manipulatives children experiment with balance, enclosure, patterns and symmetry.  They explore how structures are built and develop an understanding of how structures and buildings fit into our world.

Art Area.

With the open-ended art approach, children will experiment with different types of art media.  Through self-directed exploration children will learn about shape, texture, pattern, and design. Shelves are stocked with scissors, glue, paint, collage materials, felts and more.

House Area.

Children learn by observation and the house area is an opportunity for them to re-enact events they have experienced, seen or heard about at home or out in the world.  They learn skills both individually and co-operatively in a shared space.

Science & Water Table Area.

Teachers provide both natural and physical science materials for the children to experiment explore and discover.

Outdoor Area.

We have a beautiful natural outdoor playground designed for vigorous, noisy and physical play where children are free to run, swing, slide, climb and dig in the sand all within walking distance of the beach and the ocean.